Between the PTO fundraisers and our amazing volunteers, the PTO has accomplished a lot this year. Please check it out!!! Thank you so much for your generosity.
- 5th Grade after school programs – art, dolleyball, soccer, softball
- 5th Grade Promotion & Awards
- 5th Grade New York Trip (help defray part of the cost)
- 5th Grade Picnic
- 5th Grade Trip to Constitution Center (buses & tickets)
- After School Classes
- Apparel Sales
- Art Contest for back of student planners
- Assemblies (Art Goes to School, Children’s Author Daryl Cobb, Children’s Inter-national Summer Village, Science Assembly – Kooky Koncoctions, Bully-Free Amazing Wonder Show, Mike Rose – Magic of a Book, Chinese Acrobats, Art Goes to School)
- A-Z Reading Program
- Bake Sales
- Bingo Night with raffle baskets
- Book Fair (Week-Long Book Fair)
- Boston Tea Party – Skype presentation (5th)
- Buses for field trips (K – 4th)
- Cash Back Programs
- Cheetah Chat
- Cheetah Girls (sponsored 4 girls)
- Custodial Gifts
- Deodorant for 5th Grade health lesson
- Family Picnic
- Family Read-In
- First in Math
- Fitz Freecycle
- Games Day
- Games Day T-shirts – Tie Dye for K – 2nd
- Garden Club materials
- Halloween Art Contest
- Harlem Wizards (Joint Elementary School Fundraiser)
- Holiday Shop
- Joint Elementary School Liaison
- Jump Rope For Heart
- KidStuff Books
- Laptops – 12 new & cart
- Leave a Legacy Tiles for hallway
- Nurses’ Gifts
- Opening Day Gift for K
- Picture Day
- Planetarium Night
- Post Prom donation
- Pretzel Days
- Race For Education
- Reading Olympics registrations
- Restaurant Nights
- Room Parents
- School Beautification – photos for the hallways, faculty lunchroom makeover
- SchoolKidz (supply boxes)
- School Store
- Science Fair
- Secretary Appreciation
- Self Esteem Board
- Showcase
- SPEACS donation
- Speakers for PTO meetings
- Speed Stacking T-Shirts & Number Board
- Student Directory w/ ads
- Student Planners (2nd – 5th)
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
- Teacher Reimbursements (up to $100 per teacher for supplies)
- Washing machine for custodial staff
- Water Ice Social
- Yearbook
Learn more about what else have we done.